The Flexiplant project is implemented by the Regional Competence Center Foundation under the Erasmus + Action 2 Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training.
The main goal of the project is to enable access to practical solutions used in gastronomy and nutrition using a plant diet and new products.
Activities planned under the project are:
-Creating a report that is a collection of three analyzes (PL, LT, LV) containing research, diagnosis and comparative analysis in the gastronomy industry including plant diets.
– Training in the field of flexible approach to nutrition with the use of a plant diet carried out and conducted by experts and entrepreneurs of the catering industry from companies cooperating with the Leader, which one of the main goals is to promote knowledge of nutrition and health human and environmental protection.
During the training, participants will learn the results of research and experience on new products and trends using machines and devices in the production of organic and dietetic food, learn the main issues related to the preparation of dietary dishes based on plants. The above issues related to the new trends in nutrition such as flexiterianism and prepared training programs are based on the needs of employers and their experience in cooperation with vocational schools.
– Preparation of a guide that includes the results of training implementation, results of testing training in schools, recommendations for teachers and practitioners developing vocational education in the gastronomy industry and substantive materials related to dietetic cuisine based on the use of plants.
Project Partners:
– Regional Competence Centre Foundation – Leader
– Kauno maisto pramones ir prekybos mokymo centras
Project implementation period: 01.12.2020 – 30.11.2022